• Schedule individual & group sessions

Tired? Hungover? Weak?

Try one of our top-performing weight loss, immunity & energy recovery IV boosts.

Convenient scheduling

Call or Text: (814) 341-9855

Weight Loss Injections

  • Feel Full & More Energy
  • Reduced Cravings
  • Weekly Injectable

IV Hydration & Vitamin Infusion

  • Promotes Energy

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Enhanced Performance

Botox & Filler Injections

  • Look Younger
  • Remove Age Lines
  • Natural Fuller Lips
Improving Life Energy

We Thrive On Results

Weight Loss Program

Remove yo-yo dieting, frustration, and wasted dieting from your life. With our FDA-approved Semaglutide medication studies show that it makes you feel fuller longer, reduces feelings of hunger, and decreases the rate your body eliminates food all while increasing energy and providing glycemic control.

  • Average weight loss of 15% of the patient’s body weight over a 16–20-week treatment.

  • Decreased Blood Pressure
  • Decrease Blood Sugar and A1c

  • Increased cardiac health

IV Hydration & Vitamin Infusion Sessions

Studies show more than half of all Americans are chronically dehydrated leading to:

  • Overeating – Weight Gain

  • Decreased Energy Levels

  • Decreased Organ Function

  • Decreased Immune Support

  • Early Aging
  • Headaches

Fuel Your Lifestyle

When your body becomes dehydrated, it loses electrolytes, and, in many cases, oral rehydration is not enough. On average, only 20% of even the best multi-vitamins are being absorbed into your body when taken orally. Adding a regular regimen of IV nutrient therapy is a great way to maintain health and avoid dehydration and vitamin deficiency.

How it Helps

  • Anti-aging

  • Performance Recovery & Detox

  • Immune Boost

  • Hangover

  • Pain Relief

  • Headaches

Book Online for the Following Benefits

Glutathione for anti-aging and performance recovery.  Glutathione is the “master antioxidant” and is the primary detoxifier and anti-inflammatory agent in every cell of your body.  It is very popular with athletes due to its ability to prevent and correct tissue damage, unnecessary inflammation, infection, muscular microtears, and fatigue. It also prevents oxidative stress and eliminates free radicals which damage our cells.  During exercise, glutathione levels are depleted which can lead to muscle weakness, inflammation, and joint pain.  Glutathione will help to improve muscle performance, enhance immunity, and help give your skin cells a youthful glow.  

    1. Relieve muscle and joint pain
    2. Repair injuries
    3. Decrease inflammation
    4. Promote muscle protein synthesis and growth
    5. Lower illness and infection risk
    6. Increase energy
    7. Prevent muscle fatigue
    8. Improve cardiovascular function
    9. Improve physical exertion and stamina

The Myers Cocktail was developed in the 1970s by Dr. John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, MD.  It is used as a treatment for fatigue, upper respiratory infections, acute asthma attacks, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, migraines, and chronic pain disorders.  It is a powerful blend of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes which is slowly infused over 30-45 minutes to help your body perform at its best.

Lipo B injections naturally trigger your body to burn fat and calories. It contains B vitamins along with amino acids to help your body naturally increase energy, feel and look younger, burn calories, and boost metabolism.

  • Boost metabolism
  • Significantly increase energy levels
  • Enhance mood
  • Help control cholesterol levels
  • Assist in converting carbs to energy
  • Promote weight loss
  • Effectively removing fat from the liver
  • Improves skin tone

Botox & Filler Injections

Call for details and to set up an appointment.

(814) 341-9855

View Packages

Next Level Life Energy Packages

Advanced support for the nutrients your body needs.

Free Consult

schedule today

Approx 30-45 min

Set up your Weight loss and IV Hydration & Vitamin appointment today. View packages for details.

Weight Loss


$250/mo – 4 injections

FDA-approved weight loss injection, Semaglutide is a once-weekly treatment clinically proven to lose up to 20% body weight. View details

Rise & Shine

Hangover recovery

$75 – 30 min

Our 1st line of defense for hangover treatments with 1000 ml NSS.


IV Hydration

$100 – 45 min

Reduce pain & nausea (medicine) with 1000 ml NSS included.

Liquid Gold

Pain & Nausea

$150 – 45 min

The last line of hangover defense includes 1000 ml NSS, pain & nausea medicine, IV B12, and IV B Complex

Lip Filler & Botox

Call for details

Look as young as you feel. We’ve got you covered! Call (814)341-9855 to set up an appointment.

Hydration Boosters

Vitamin B12

$25 – 10 min

Vitamin C

$25 – 45 min

Lipo B

$25 – 10 min

Vitamin D

$20 – 45 min


$100 – 45 min

Health & Wellness

$100 – 45 min


$100 – 45 min


$140 – 1 hr


$140 – 1 hr

Myers Cocktail

$130 – 1 hr

Life Energy Solutions

Built to Thrive

Did you know we book group parties?
Call (814) 341-9855 for details.

frequently asked questions

Weight Loss – Semaglutide

Semaglutide is a once-per-week injection that works by decreasing your appetite and making you feel fuller.  It also slows down the rate at which food moves through your digestive system.

Semaglutide is FDA-approved and has shown weight loss of 5% in a month and 20% of your body weight in 1 year. Please come in for a free consultation with our medical professionals to see if Semaglutide is right for you.

Patients with a history of medullary thyroid cancer or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) or people allergic to Semaglutide or other GLP-1 agonist drugs should not take Semaglutide. Please call to schedule a free consultation with our medical professionals.
Thrive Life and Energy regularly offers various specials throughout the year for new and returning patients. By subscribing to our Facebook account, you will be able to see all the latest and greatest specials we are offering. We will also offer discounts for referrals of new clients.

New client visits may last between 30-45 minutes depending on paperwork and the medical consult. Return patient visits may last between 5-20 minutes.

You may complete the new patient registration forms that are available on our website if you wish to expedite your visit. These forms are also available in our office.

We currently accept HSA/FSA cards, Cash, Venmo, Paypal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover.

We currently do not accept insurance. 

Walk-ins and appointments are welcome for both new and returning patients. Patients with appointments will be seen first. For new patients, please try to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing time. 

frequently asked questions

IV Hydration

IV hydration uses specially formulated fluids that are injected into your vein to treat or prevent dehydration. Based on your individual needs, we’ll create a specific blend of vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids specifically for you.

IV Hydration is excellent for flushing out free radicals from your system. Over 50% of Americans do not ingest enough fluid daily. This leads to a chronic state of dehydration which can cause a multitude of health issues.

Feeling sick or have a stomach bug? It’s very common to get dehydrated while you’re sick. IV hydration along with vitamin infusions can help get you back on your feet and feeling better. It helps athletes recover faster, gives you more energy, allows more vitamins and nutrients to be available in your blood stream than just drinking energy or sports drinks. It also doesn’t have the added sugars and chemicals in these drinks! Dehydration not only makes you feel bad, but it shows on your body too, making you look prematurely older. IV hydration can help nourish your cells, eliminate free radicals, and help you look and feel younger! IV hydration may also help decrease levels of anxiety and depression.

Your immune system relies heavily on the bloodstream’s ability to transport immune cells and antibodies. Dehydration compromises this ability. IV hydration also helps to eliminate toxins and free radicals from your body. We also can add several key vitamins and nutrients to the IV bags to help kick your immune system into overdrive.
By making key nutrients more bioavailable to the body, an IV drip works to support your beauty from the inside out. An IV therapy specially formulated for beauty can improve the appearance of your skin as well as strengthen your hair and nails. Receiving a beauty drip can help you get that extra boost to look your best on a special occasion.

Here are all the beauty drip ingredients that can make you glow:

  • Vitamin B complex: B complex vitamins are crucial to so many facets of beauty, from pantothenic acid (B5) maintaining natural moisture levels to thiamine (B1) preventing breakouts. Another component of the vitamin B complex, riboflavin (B2), protects the skin by increasing cell turnover and assisting collagen maintenance, while niacin (B3) helps alleviate common skin issues like acne, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, wrinkles and damaged skin in general.
  • Vitamin B12: This vitamin is your new secret weapon for healthy hair, skin and nails. Vitamin B12 serves as a cofactor for DNA synthesis to promote cell production, which enables the body to reduce skin problems like redness, dryness, excessive oil and acne marks.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C promotes skin health by stimulating collagen production, which minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to give your skin a firmer and smoother look overall. Collagen also keeps your hair growing strong and healthy.
  • Glutathione: As a powerful antioxidant, glutathione is key for flushing out toxins, sustaining wellness and maintaining a youthful glow. Glutathione levels naturally decline with age, which is why supplementing your body’s glutathione with a beauty drip can give your skin the extra support it needs to look its best.
  • Zinc: This mighty mineral helps to protect and heal your skin. Zinc guards the cells involved in producing collagen, the skin’s support system, by minimizing free radicals. By boosting your immune system and reducing inflammation, zinc can also help you avoid acne flare-ups. As a bonus, zinc’s healing powers help strengthen fragile hair and nails.

IV fluid: Fluids are the body’s transportation system for providing vital nutrients and oxygen to your skin to keep it healthy, strong and protected. IV fluid can assist the circulation of these nutrients while supplying extra hydration to keep skin from becoming dry, flaky, chapped, or scaly.

Keep in mind that Mobile IV Medics lets you customize any IV packages with add-in treatments to optimize your beauty outcomes. Consider including extra vitamin C or glutathione or adding another beauty enhancement like magnesium to take your IV drip therapy up a notch.

Glutathione is an all-purpose antioxidant, referred to as the “master antioxidant”. It’s a combination of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine, and is effective at fighting free radicals. Since glutathione decreases as you get older, it can be helpful to supplement it through IV treatment. It can also be a skin lightening IV for those looking for brighter skin. It is ideal for alleviating symptoms associated with many health issues. When you receive glutathione IV therapy, you may experience benefits such as:

  • Enhanced immune function
    Pain relief thanks to reduced inflammation
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Better sleep
  • Detoxification of harmful substances from the body
  • A slowdown in the signs of aging
  • Reduction in body fat

Glutathione IVs also tend to work fast. Glutathione supplements can be taken orally, but they have to travel through the digestive system first, which weakens their potency. An IV, on the other hand, delivers the antioxidant straight to the bloodstream.

Plus, the side effects of glutathione are minimal when administered intravenously. Long-term oral supplement use, however, may cause cramping or bloating and could lower zinc levels. If you use medications or are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult with your healthcare provider before starting IV therapy to discuss potential glutathione side effects.

Chronic Illness Symptoms

The symptoms of a chronic medical condition can be painful and difficult to manage, and that takes a toll on your daily life.Numerous chronic diseases — cancer, fibromyalgia, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and gastrointestinal disorders, among others — have been linked to low glutathione levels. Supplementing with a glutathione IV can replenish those low levels to alleviate symptoms.

Signs of Aging

Weak, brittle nails. Dull, lifeless hair. Wrinkled skin that sags. These are all manifestations of the havoc wreaked by free radicals. An IV with glutathione lets the master antioxidant get to work, combating oxidative stress in the body. Glutathione can help improve skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation (dark or discolored spots), and minimize fine lines for a healthier-looking complexion.

Glutathione doesn’t just slow the physical signs of aging. Free radicals also play a role in diminished brain function related to age, as well as neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s that typically occur later in life. Increasing your levels of glutathione may support sharper brain function.

Athletic Ability

Improving your athletic performance is essential if you want to shave some minutes off your personal best marathon time or increase your reps during a CrossFit workout. Athletes often turn to glutathione injectables or IVs to help achieve those goals. Glutathione can help ease muscle fatigue after a hard workout, so you can keep up with your training regimen and build strength and endurance. (And you’ll likely lower your risk of injury since you’re not overtaxing tired muscles.)

Inflammation Control

This is another area where glutathione’s antioxidant power can make a huge difference in your health. Oxidative stress triggers inflammation in the body, which puts you at higher risk for DNA damage and those chronic diseases already mentioned. Glutathione also acts as an anti-inflammatory, which can help ease symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases where inflammation is a key factor. (A recent study also indicated glutathione may be helpful in addressing inflammation associated with COVID-19.)

Liver Detox

The liver is the body’s main source of glutathione production, so it’s not surprising that glutathione supports liver health. As an antioxidant, glutathione is great at detoxifying the body’s cells, and that’s important when it comes to the liver. This organ keeps your body running smoothly by metabolizing the food you eat so it can convert to energy and filter waste from your system. Poor liver function can inhibit these processes, detracting from your overall health. Glutathione IVs have been used in clinical settings for patients with chronic liver disease, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or liver poisoning.

Although IV therapy is being portrayed by the media as the latest health trend, it, in fact, has been around for centuries. Hollywood celebrities and urban professionals have been using IV therapies for a long time, and it has proven very beneficial.

Athletes, however, may enjoy the greatest benefits of IV hydration and nutrition. According to research by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, a tailored hydration plan, built around an athlete’s sodium and fluid loss can boost anaerobic power, awareness, heart rate recovery time, and attention spans.
Intravenous Therapy or IV Therapy is the administration and direct delivery of nutrients and hydration into the bloodstream. This process ensures instant absorption and utilization of the nutrients by the body.

IV therapy skips the digestive process and goes straight to the organs. This makes it a much faster way of delivering nutrients throughout the body. It is also much more efficient, as up to 90-100% of the nutrients are absorbed and utilized.

Athletes stand to gain the most from IV therapy, as most of their routines involve high-intensity physical activities. Thus, they need constant rehydration and refueling by nutrients.

There are so many remedies to cure a hangover, but the best and fastest one so far is the Hangover IV Drip. This miraculous IV drip for hangovers contains a scientific blend of fluids and vitamins that can alleviate the worst symptoms of your ‘night out’ much faster than oral remedies. Alcohol inhibits ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) produced in the body. This is the reason you have to urinate so frequently. With this frequent urination comes the loss of electrolytes in your body and the buildup of free radicals in your liver. IV hydration will help to replace these lost vitamins and electrolytes and help detoxify your organs.
It works swiftly by going directly into your bloodstream, so you don’t have to waste your time waiting for the symptoms to vanish after eating the painkillers.
Not only does it rehydrate you, replenish lost nutrients, and detoxify you, it also can have medicine added to it for headache and nausea, as well as energy boosters. We’ll have you feeling better and back on your feet in no time.
  • Anyone who has or is prone to CHF (congestive heart failure).
  • Anyone who has CRF or ARF (chronic or acute renal failure or insufficiency)
  • Anyone who has any condition where they retain fluid in their body.
  • Some people have anatomy that poses a risk for fluid extravasation or inadequate flow and peripheral IVs should be avoided in these situations. Examples include extremities that have massive edema, burns or injury.
  • Anyone who is allergic to any of the components of Lactated Ringers fluid.

We always recommend consulting with your primary care physician to see if you are fit for IV hydration.

Please tell our medical professionals of any reactions you may have had, current and past health problems, allergies or sensitivities to drugs or supplements, and any medications or supplements you’re currently taking.

Professional & Friendly

Meet Our Team

Dr. Eric Ponte
Dr. Eric PonteHead Physician
Dr. Eric Ponte is a board-certified Anesthesiologist. He is originally from Nebraska and now resides in Johnstown. He attended the University of Nebraska Medical School, did his residency in anesthesiology at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and has been a practicing anesthesiologist since 2015. Dr. Ponte is very compassionate about patient care and is very interested in helping patients achieve a healthier life.
Patrick Roccio
Patrick RoccioPartner/CRNA
Patrick Roccio is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) with over 15 years of experience in anesthesia and critical care nursing. He is a Johnstown native and graduate of Richland High School. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Notre Dame, Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Duquesne University, and Masters in Anesthesia from St. Vincent College. Patrick is passionate about providing the highest level of care and enjoys seeing the marked improvement of those experiencing our service. He knows that dehydration can occur for many different reasons and our team of Physicians and Advanced Practice Nurses work tirelessly to develop the best products to meet your individual needs and provide you with a positive experience that you will not forget.
Lee Anne Roccio
Lee Anne RoccioRegistered Nurse
Lee Anne Roccio is a Registered Nurse with over 10 years of experience in ICU, critical care, emergency room, and post anesthesia care. She earned her nursing degree from Sewickley Valley Hospital School of Nursing and her BSN from Fairmont State University. Lee is a passionate nurse and cares deeply about her patients. She is also a very passionate advocate for the benefits of IV hydration and the multitude of ways it can help people. Lee is a very caring and compassionate person, partly because of how she remembers being treated during her experience of trying to find answers for her migraines and the difficulty of obtaining IV hydration for relief from her headaches and nausea.
Jenn Wiggle
Jenn WiggleCRNA
Jenn Wigle is a CRNA and a licensed aesthetic injector. She graduated from West Virginia University, and Excela Health School of Anesthesia. Jenn has a passion to help her clients achieve a natural, fresh-looking face, regardless of age, skin type or gender. She is trained in multiple areas of aesthetics and has the ability to put her clients at ease in order to produce the best results. Call today to schedule an appointment with her!

Our Mission to Serve You

Providing the people of the greater Johnstown community with convenient and reasonably priced options for weight loss and IV hydration.

We are both advocates of the benefits of IV hydration and realized that there was nowhere for the people living in the greater Johnstown area to go for these beneficial treatments.


Our Story

Lee Anne has been a chronic migraine sufferer for her whole life and needs IV hydration to break the severe headaches and the resulting vomiting.

Even with insurance, the cost, time spent waiting, and inconvenience of this was intolerable.

We knew there had to be a less expensive and more convenient way for people to acquire adequate hydration.

Thus, Thrive Life and Energy was born.

We can now provide IV hydration, weight loss, immune boosting, headache, and chronic pain treatment at a reasonable cost.

Our ability to obtain Semaglutide, an FDA-approved weight loss drug, through the manufacturer, (not foreign sources like others advertising this drug), was a huge step forward.

This allowed us to offer a weight loss drug that works (15-20% decrease in body fat) and is convenient to our clients without worrying about insurance or availability.

We are very proud to be able to offer these services to the Johnstown area and we look forward to meeting you.

Please call us to schedule a free consult and remember, Don’t just survive…Thrive!

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Set up group sessions, Botox & Filler Appointments